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Identification of cases with adverse neonatal outcome monitored by cardiotocography versus ST analysis: secondary analysis of a randomized trial
Authors:Westerhuis Michelle E M H  Porath Martina M  Becker Jeroen H  Van Den Akker Eline S A  Van Beek Erik  Van Dessel Hendrikus J H M  Drogtrop Addy P  Van Geijn Herman P  Graziosi Giuseppi C M  Groenendaal Floris  Van Lith Jan M M  Mol Ben Willem J  Moons Karel G M  Nijhuis Jan G  Oei Swan G  Oosterbaan Herman P  Rijnders Robbert J P  Schuitemaker Nico W E  Wijnberger Lia D E  Willekes Christine  Wouters Maurice G A J  Visser Gerard H A  Kwee Anneke
Affiliation:Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands. m.e.m.h.westerhuis@umcutrecht.nl
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