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Characterization of a t(5;8)(q31;q21) translocation in a patient with mental retardation and congenital heart disease: implications for involvement of RUNX1T1 in human brain and heart development
Authors:Litu Zhang  Zeynep Tümer  Kjeld M?llg?rd  Gotthold Barbi  Eva Rossier  Eske Bendsen  Rikke Steensbjerre M?ller  Reinhard Ullmann  Jian He  Nickolas Papadopoulos  Niels Tommerup  Lars Allan Larsen
Abstract:The chromosome break points of the t(8;21)(q21.3;q22.12) translocation associated with acute myeloid leukemia disrupt the RUNX1 gene (also known as AML1) and the RUNX1T1 gene (also known as CBFA2T3, MTG8 and ETO) and generate a RUNX1–RUNX1T1 fusion protein. Molecular characterization of the translocation break points in a t(5;8)(q32;q21.3) patient with mild-to-moderate mental retardation and congenital heart disease revealed that one of the break points was within the RUNX1T1 gene. Analysis of RUNX1T1 expression in human embryonic and fetal tissues suggests a role of RUNX1T1 in brain and heart development and support the notion that disruption of the RUNX1T1 gene is associated with the patient''s phenotype.
Keywords:RUNX1T1   MTG8   ETO   acute myeloid leukemia (AML)   brain development   heart development
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