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引用本文:高歌,何露. 多分类有序反应变量logistic回归应用条件的检验[J]. 中国卫生统计, 2003, 20(5): 276-278
作者姓名:高歌  何露
作者单位:1. 苏州大学公共卫生学院,215007
2. 同济大学医学院,200070
基金项目:卫生部国家医学考试科研经费资助项目(1 50 92 350 0 2 )
摘    要:目的 对多分类有序反应变量logistic回归的应用条件寻求科学合理的检验方法。方法 使用卡方分布的理论,SAS软件及抽样调查方法。结果 设计出多分类有序反应变量logistic回归应用条件的卡方检验方法,推导出反应变量取各水平的概率计算公式及卡方检验中理论值、自由度的计算公式,并在作者主持的国家医师资格临床实践技能考试研究中取得了成功效果。结论 多分类有序反应变量logistic回归得到完善和补充,具有较大的理论和实际意义。

关 键 词:多分类有序反应变量 logistic回归 医师资格 SAS软件 抽样调查

Test of Applicable Condition for Polytomous Logistic Regression on Ordinal Response
Gao Ge,He Lou.Public Health Sohool,Suzhou University. Test of Applicable Condition for Polytomous Logistic Regression on Ordinal Response[J]. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics, 2003, 20(5): 276-278
Authors:Gao Ge  He Lou.Public Health Sohool  Suzhou University
Abstract:Objective To seek scientific and reasonable mothod of test applicable condition for polytomous logistic regression on ordinal response.Methods the theory of Chi square distribution,the SAS system and sampling survey were used.Results Chi square test of applicable condition for polytomous logistic regression on ordinal response was designed,the formulas of probability of response variable at different levels and theoretical value and degree of freedom for Chi square test were deduced,the test was applied successfully in the clinical examination for national licensing of doctors.Conclusion Polytomous logistic regression for ordinal response was perfected,it has greater significance of theory and practice.
Keywords:Polytomous ordinal response variable  Logistic regression  Licensing of doctors  
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