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Benoxaprofen photosensitization of phospholipase activation in mammalian cells in culture
Authors:V A Deleo  D Hanson  S Scheide
Affiliation:1. S.C. Dermatologia, Azienda USL di Reggio Emilia - IRCCS, Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia, Italy;2. Section of Dermatology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Messina, Messina, Italy;3. Department of Dermatology, ASST dei Sette Laghi, Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi di Varese, Varese, Italy;4. Epidemiology Unit, Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale-IRCCS di Reggio Emilia, 42122 Reggio Emilia, Italy;1. MedImmune Ltd, Granta Park, Cambridge CB21 6GH, UK;2. Service de Pneumologie A, Hôpital Bichat, Inserm U1152, AP-HP, 46, rue Henri-Huchard, 75018 Paris, France
Abstract:Benoxaprofen (BPF) induces a clinical photosensitivity which resembles idiopathic solar urticaria. This response is mediated by degranulation of mast cells. Since mast-cell degranulation is known to be modulated by phospholipid alteration, we examined the effect of BPF and ultraviolet radiation (UV) on phospholipid metabolism of C3H 10 T1/2 cells in culture. BPF + UVB (280-320 nm) induced release of [3H]arachidonic acid (AA) but did not alter the release of [3H]choline from prelabelled cells. This suggests that BPF photosensitizes phospholipase A2 activation. Such activation probably represents an integral step in the mechanism of BPF photosensitization of mast-cell degranulation.
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