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DNA-repair gene variants are associated with glioblastoma survival
Authors:Wibom Carl  Sjöström Sara  Henriksson Roger  Brännström Thomas  Broholm Helle  Rydén Patrik  Johansen Christoffer  Collatz-Laier Helle  Hepworth Sara  McKinney Patricia A  Bethke Lara  Houlston Richard S  Andersson Ulrika  Melin Beatrice S
Affiliation:Department of Radiation Sciences, Oncology, Ume? University Hospital, Ume?, Sweden. carl.wibom@onkologi.umu.se
Patient outcome from glioma may be influenced by germline variation. Considering the importance of DNA repair in cancer biology as well as in response to treatment, we studied the relationship between 1458 SNPs, which captured the majority of the common genetic variation in 136 DNA repair genes, in 138 glioblastoma samples from Sweden and Denmark. We confirmed our findings in an independent cohort of 121 glioblastoma patients from the UK. Our analysis revealed nine SNPs annotating MSH2, RAD51L1 and RECQL4 that were significantly (p < 0.05) associated with glioblastoma survival.
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