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High- and low-flux acetate-free biofiltration: experimental assessment of calcium mass balance and intact parathyroid hormone behaviour
Authors:de Vincenzi, A.   Beflazzi, R. G.   Santagostino, M.   Gazo, A.   Romanini, D.   Nai, M.   Maretti, L.   Ornati, G.   Bellazzi, R.
Affiliation:1Servizio Nefrologia e Dialisi Ospedale Civile di Vigevano, Italy 2Laboratorio Analisi Ospedale Civile di Vigevano, Italy 3Dipartimento di Informatica Università di Pavia Italy
We studied total calcium mass balance and plasma intact parathyroidhormone behaviour in 10 uraemic patients who underwent acetate-freebiofiltration carried out in accordance with six different dialyticschedules, where either a polyacrylonitrile or a polysuiphonemembrane was used. Schedules 1 and 2 involved a reinfusion flowrate of 33.3 ml/mm with a dialysate calcium concentration (DCa)of 1.75 and 2 mmol/l respectively; in schedule 3, 4, 5 and 6reinfusion flow rate amounted to 50 ml/mm and DCa was respectivelyof 1.75, 2, 2.25 and 2.5 mmol/l. Dehydration remained unchangedin all schedules: 700 g/h. Finally high- and low-flux acetate-freebiofiltration are able to induce different Ca mass balance whichmay suit different therapeutic contexts. Ca mass balance waseither positive or negative depending on reinfusion flow rateand DCa. With a reinfusion flow rate of 33.3 ml/mm a DCa ofat least 2 mmol/l was necessary to obtain a positive mass balance,while with a reinfusion flow rate of 50 ml/mm DCa had to equal2.25 mmol/l. In high-flux acetate- free biofiltration, the estimationof predialytic Ca2+ and DCa values, using a simple formula,allows prediction of the mass balance that will be attained.At the end of acetate-free biofiltration, intact parathyroidhormone always decreased when a polyacrylonitrile membrane wasemployed while it increased, in the presence of negative Camass balance with a polysulphone membrane.
Keywords:acetate-free biofiltration   calcium mass balance   parathyroid hormone
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