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引用本文:李沂. 体育锻炼对医学院非医学专业大学生情绪改善作用的研究[J]. 中国健康心理学杂志, 2010, 18(4): 485-488
摘    要:目的研究体育锻炼对医学院非医学专业大学生情绪改善的作用。方法运用心境状态量表(POMS),焦虑自评量表(SAS)等研究工具,同时使用实验对照法(颜色表研究),对97名医学院非医学专业在校大学生的心理健康水平和体育锻炼情况进行测量分析。结果1除了自尊因子(t=1.852,P=0.067)外,运动大学生人群和非运动大学生人群在POMS中紧张、愤怒、疲劳、抑郁、精力、慌乱因子上差异显著;2运动大学生人群和非运动大学生人群在SAS上差异不显著(t=-1.671,P=0.098);3非运动大学生人群在实验前后的整体主观情绪体验有明显提高(t=-3.028,P0.01)。结论体育锻炼是改善医学院非医专业大学生情绪,提高其整体心理健康水平的有效途径之一。但这种积极效应在焦虑情绪和自尊维度上作用不明显。

关 键 词:心境状态  焦虑  体育锻炼  医学院非医学专业大学生

Research on the Effects of Physical Exercise on Mood Improvement in the Medical College Students Whose Majors are not Medical-Related
Li Yi.Psychology , Cognitive Science. Research on the Effects of Physical Exercise on Mood Improvement in the Medical College Students Whose Majors are not Medical-Related[J]. china journal of health psychology, 2010, 18(4): 485-488
Authors:Li Yi.Psychology    Cognitive Science
Affiliation:Li Yi.Psychology , Cognitive Science Department of East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,P.R.China
Abstract:Objective To research the effects of physical exercise on mood improvement of non-medical related majors students in the medical college.Methods By using the method of questionnaire(POMS and SAS)and experiment(Color Table),this paper made an analysis on the mental health and physical exercise of 97 medical college students whose majors were not medical-related.Results ①Except esteem,there exist significant differences between exercise and non-exercise group in all other factors of POMS-Tension,Anger-Hostility,Fatigue,Depression-rejection,Vigor and Confusion.②The difference in SAS between exercise and non-exercise group was not remarkable.③For the non-exercise group,after the experiment,their overall subjective mood condition improved greatly.Conclusion Physical exercise is one of the efficient ways to better the mood and enhance the mental health in medical college students whose majors are not medical-related.This positive effect,however,is not significant on the anxiety and esteem.
Keywords:Mood condition  Anxiety  Physical exercise  Non-medical related major students in medical college  
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