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Experimental determination of blood permittivity and conductivity in simple shear flow
Authors:Balan Corneliu  Balut Corina  Gheorghe Liana  Gheorghe Cristian  Gheorghiu Eugen  Ursu George
Affiliation:"Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Department of Bioengineering and Biotechnology, REOROM Group, Romania. balan@hydrop.pub.ro
The paper is concerned with the determination of blood permittivity and conductivity in Poiseuille and Couette simple shear flows. The experimental procedure, based on dielectric spectroscopy, evidences the sensitivity of blood electric properties to the applied frequency and local shear rate magnitude. The method evidences the possibility to correlate (for well-defined flow geometry) magnitude of shear rate, and consequently the shear stress level, with spectra permittivity of blood.
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