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引用本文:全竹富 汪志明. 1,6—二磷酸果糖对手术后应激病人应用全肠外营养支持效果的影响[J]. 肠外与肠内营养, 1997, 4(3): 138-140
作者姓名:全竹富 汪志明
摘    要:本文在胃癌行全胃或胃大部切除术引起的中等程度应激病人,随机分组对比观察了全肠外营养或TPN加用1,6-二磷酸果糖的效果。结果显示,与单纯TPN相比,TPN加用FDP后血清皮质醇和胰高血糖素等应激激素水平有所下降,尿中3-甲基组氨酸排出减少,累积氮平衡增加。

关 键 词:应激 全肠外营养支持 1  6-二磷酸果糖 胃手术

Effects of fructose- 1 ,6 - diphosphate on the surgically stressed patients supported with total parenteral nutrition
Quan Zhufu,Wang Zhiming,L iu Fangnan et al Research Institute of General Surgery,N anjing General H ospital of PL A. Effects of fructose- 1 ,6 - diphosphate on the surgically stressed patients supported with total parenteral nutrition[J]. Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition, 1997, 4(3): 138-140
Authors:Quan Zhufu  Wang Zhiming  L iu Fangnan et al Research Institute of General Surgery  N anjing General H ospital of PL A
Abstract:The study was designed to observe the effects of fructose- 1 ,6 - diphosphate (FDP) on the stressed patients who were supported with total parenteral nutrition (TPN) after gastrectomy.Twelve cases of patients with gastric cancer were randomly divided into two groups.The control group was supported by TPN,and the FDP group received TPN plus FDP.The resulshowed thatin FDP group the serum levels of cortisol and glucogon declined and the urine 3- methyl- histidine excretin decreased with a better cumulative nutrogen balance when compared with control group.It sug- gested that FDP may lessen the protein catabolism and improve the results of nu- tritional support in stressed patients after trauma or surgical operation.
Keywords:Stress TPN FDP
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