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引用本文:冯煊,李包罗. 为现代数字化病房插上飞翔的翅膀--将移动技术应用于现代护理工作的尝试[J]. 中国医院, 2005, 9(7): 27-29
作者姓名:冯煊  李包罗
摘    要:计算机技术、通信技术以及互联网的不断发展,正在改变着各个领域的管理模式.在医院信息化建设日新月异的今天,用计算机,甚至是小巧便捷的掌上电脑来操作和管理医护工作已经不再只是梦想.本文介绍的是目前在北京协和医院普遍推广的临床移动护理信息系统,该系统通过借助掌上电脑的移动、便捷、及时、准确等特点,能够极大限度的提高病房护理工作效率,确保护理工作在具体执行过程中的准确性,甚至在护理人力信息化管理等相关领域也提出了很好的可行性思路.作为国内将移动信息技术应用到护理工作的首次尝试,该系统的成功投入运行将开创性地填补信息技术在相关领域的空白,真正回归到信息化技术为医院各项工作服务,为患者服务的初衷.

关 键 词:医院信息系统  移动护理  掌上电脑

Add Flying Wings to the Modern Digital Ward--An exploration on modern nursing with mobile technology
FENG Xuan,LI Baoluo. Add Flying Wings to the Modern Digital Ward--An exploration on modern nursing with mobile technology[J]. Chinese Hospitals, 2005, 9(7): 27-29
Authors:FENG Xuan  LI Baoluo
Abstract:Now IT and Internet techniques are changing management model in different industries. PDA has implement innursing services in hospitals. This article introduces PDA system in Peking Union Hospital and its functions. This system improvesnursing effectiveness and accuracy. This system is a new technique in hospital management in China and achieves that informationtechnique services for hospital services and patients.
Keywords:HIS   migratore nursing   PDA  
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