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引用本文:吴文倩,丁钢强,章荣华,黄李春,黄恩善,陈江. 浙江省城乡居民膳食纤维摄入情况调查[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2011, 27(7)
作者姓名:吴文倩  丁钢强  章荣华  黄李春  黄恩善  陈江
作者单位:1. 宁波大学医学院流行病与卫生统计学系,浙江宁波,315211
2. 浙江省疾病预防控制中心营养与食品卫生监测所
基金项目:卫生部科学研究基金(WKJ2007-2-006); 浙江省科技厅面上科技项目(2007C23042);浙江省科技厅重大科技专项(2009C03G1360001)
摘    要:目的 了解浙江省城乡及不同地域居民的膳食纤维摄入现状、食物来源等情况.方法 采用连续3 d24 h回顾法和称重法对9 798名≥2岁居民进行个人食物摄入量调查及调味品消费量调查.结果 浙江省每日人均膳食纤维摄入量为10.12 g,城市和农村分别为11.23、9.00g,总体上呈现男性>女性,城市>农村;18岁以前摄入量随年龄的增加而上升,老年组略有下降;平原、山区、海岛每日人均摄入量分别为10.58、9.64、8.94g,且中、青年组均呈现平原>山区>海岛的分布趋势(P<0.05);膳食纤维主要食物来源为蔬菜、谷类、干豆、菌藻和调味品,总摄入量分别为36 624.31、27 616.97、15 024.92、8 835.47、8 175.03g,分别占33.89%、25.56%、13.90%、8.18%、7.57%.结论 浙江省城乡居民膳食纤维摄入量普遍不足,农村和海岛地区更为缺乏,膳食纤维的摄入量有待提高.

关 键 词:膳食纤维摄入量  不溶性膳食纤维  食物来源  城乡居民

Dietary fiber intake of urban and rural residents in Zhejiang province
WU Wen-qian,DING Gang-qiang,ZHANG Rong-hua,et al.. Dietary fiber intake of urban and rural residents in Zhejiang province[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2011, 27(7)
Authors:WU Wen-qian  DING Gang-qiang  ZHANG Rong-hua  et al.
Affiliation:WU Wen-qian,DING Gang-qiang,ZHANG Rong-hua,et al.Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics,Medical School,Ningbo University(Ningbo 315211,China)
Abstract:Objective To estimate the dietary fiber intake and the food soures of fiber among the residents in urban and rural areas of Zhejiang province.Methods The dietary data were collected with 24 hours recall and food weight method.Totally 9 798 residents aged more than two years were asked to complete an estimated dietary record of an individual for 3 consecutive days.Results The insoluble dietary fiber(IDF) intake per man was 10.12g/d,and the figures in urban area and rural area were 11.23g/d and 9.0g/d.The IDF...
Keywords:dietary fiber intake  insoluble dietary fiber  food source  urban and rural resident  
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