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引用本文:姚应水,康耀文,金岳龙,龚伟志,陈燕,郑丽,安洲. 安徽省留守青少年心理健康状况现况调查[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 2010, 31(12). DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2010.12.008
作者姓名:姚应水  康耀文  金岳龙  龚伟志  陈燕  郑丽  安洲
作者单位:1. 皖南医学院预防医学系,芜湖,241002
2. 芜湖市疾病预防控制中心
摘    要:
目的 描述安徽省留守青少年的心理健康状况,探索不同类型留守青少年的心理差异.方法 采用分层整群抽样的方法抽取皖南、皖北城乡普通中学7所,获得样本3421人,其中留守青少年682人.应用中学生心理健康诊断测验(MHT)对研究对象的一般情况和心理健康状况进行测评.结果 安徽省10~18岁青少年的留守率为19.94%;留守青少年的心理健康状况差于非留守青少年,其孤独倾向、过敏倾向、恐怖倾向均明显高于非留守青少年,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同类型留守青少年的心理健康状况:皖北差于皖南(MHT总分、自责倾向、身体症状、恐怖倾向,P<0.05);女生差于男生(MHT总分、学习焦虑、对人焦虑、自责倾向、过敏倾向、身体症状、恐怖倾向、冲动倾向,P<0.05);初一学生MHT总分低于其他年级(P<0.05);农村差于城镇(对人焦虑、孤独倾向,P<0.05);非独生子女差于独生子女(MHT总分、对人焦虑、自责倾向、过敏倾向、身体症状、恐怖倾向、冲动倾向,P<0.05).结论 安徽省留守青少年的心理健康状况差于非留守青少年,留守青少年中的女生、高中学生、非独生子女以及皖北和家庭所在地为农村的留守青少年的心理健康状况相对较差.

关 键 词:留守青少年  心理健康  现况调查

A prevalence survey on the mental health of left behind adolescents in Anhui province
YAO Ying-shui,KANG Yao-wen,JIN Yue-long,GONG Wei-zhi,CHEN Yan,ZHENG Li,AN Zhou. A prevalence survey on the mental health of left behind adolescents in Anhui province[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2010, 31(12). DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2010.12.008
Authors:YAO Ying-shui  KANG Yao-wen  JIN Yue-long  GONG Wei-zhi  CHEN Yan  ZHENG Li  AN Zhou
Objective By exploring the mental health situation of the unattended adolescents in Anhui province. This study aimed at investigating the status of mental health and related influential factors to provide evidence for effective strategies and intervention in physical and mental health improvement of this population. Methods By using stratified cluster sampling method, we conducted an investigation on 3421 subjects,in which 682 were unattended adolescents,from 7 middle schools in both south and north parts of Anhui province. MHT was used to assess the general condition and status of mental health in the adolescents. Results In the population aged 10 to 18 in Anhui province,19.94% of them were unattended adolescents and were found with poor mental health and more prone to loneliness, sensitive and stronger fear as compared with those with parents around, which showed statistical difference (P<0.05). As for the mental health status of unattended adolescents in different family types, the subjects seemed worse in the north than in the south Anhui regarding the total scores of MHT, self-accusation, physical symptoms and phobic anxiety disorder (P<0.05). Girl students were also inferior to boys concerning the total scores of MHT, learning anxiety, interpersonal anxiety, self-accusation, sensitivity, physical symptoms and impulsive behavior (P<0.05). The students in Grade 7 scored lower than those of the upperclassmen on MHT (P<0.05), and the subjects from township were superior to those of rural areas regarding interpersonal anxiety and loneliness (P<0.05). Children with siblings appeared worse than their counterparts on the total scores of MHT, including the items of interpersonal anxiety, learning anxiety, self-accusation, sensitivity,physical symptoms, strong fear and impulsive behavior (P<0.05). Conclusion Generally, the mental health status of unattended adolescents in Anhui province appeared poorer than their counterparts, and relatively worse psychological status was seen in girls, high school students,children with siblings and subjects living in north Anhui or rural areas.
Keywords:Left behind adolescent  Mental health  Prevalence Survey
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