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引用本文:李韵倩 王剑锋. 人工晶体睫状沟缝线固定法的改良[J]. 临床眼科杂志, 1998, 6(3): 162-163
作者姓名:李韵倩 王剑锋
摘    要:目的改进人工晶体睫状为固定手术方法,减少并发症的发生。方法采用一种特制的缝针,只需要从眼外向眼内进针,定位较准确;避免器械伸入前房内进行操作;改良了缝线在人工晶体上的固定方式,避免线头在眼内存留。结果术中眼内出血的机会显著减少,完全消除了虹膜牵拉、角膜内皮损伤的可能。在将近两年的随访中发现,人工晶体位置稳定,巩膜瓣愈合良好,无线头刺激。视力恢复情况与术前验光结果相一致,最高达1.2。结论该手术方法操作简便安全,不受条件限制,并发症减少,效果稳定可靠。

关 键 词:人工晶体  睫状沟缝线固定  特制缝针

Modification of the Sulcus Sutrue Fixation of Intraocular Lens
Li Yunqian,et al.. Modification of the Sulcus Sutrue Fixation of Intraocular Lens[J]. Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology, 1998, 6(3): 162-163
Authors:Li Yunqian  et al.
Abstract:Objective To improve the operative technique of ciliary sulcus suture fixation of intraocular lens and reducethe incidence of complications. Methods Using a specifically - made needle, stitch only form outside inward. No suture ends were left in the eye and no other instruments needed to enter the anterior chamber. Results Intra and post-operative complications were significantly reduced. Satisfactory visual acuities were obtained. Intraocular lenses in good position and suture ends well buried under the scleral flaps. Conclusion The operation with this procedure can easily be done with safty and good result.
Keywords:Intraocular lens   Sulcus suture fixation   Specifically-made needle
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