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Self-selecting albino rats exhibit differential preferences for pure macronutrient diets: Characterization of three subpopulations
Authors:Gail Shor-Posner   Christopher Ian   Glen Brennan   Tamara Cohn   Harvey Moy   Autumn Ning  Sarah F. Leibowitz  

The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA

Abstract:Analyses of natural feeding behavior in albino male Sprague-Dawley rats demonstrate that, when allowed to self-select from pure macronutrient diets (protein, carbohydrate and fat), these rats of the same genetic strain can be categorized into 3 subpopulations according to either their 24-h or their 12-h nocturnal patterns of nutrient intake. A majority of the animals (HC for high carbohydrate, 50% of the total population) consumed a diet rich in carbohydrate relative to protein or fat, while a smaller population of rats (HF, 30%) preferred the fat diet, and an even smaller population (HP, 20%) chose a high-protein diet. These 3 subpopulations, after a few weeks of maintenance on the diets, differed in their body weight, with the HF rats having a higher body weight than the HP animals, who tended to weigh more than the lightest HC rats. Whereas all subgroups exhibited a similar bimodal distribution of feeding during the nocturnal cycle, with peaks during the early and late dark periods, they were distinguishable on the basis of their nutrient consumption during specific phases of the dark cycle. This difference was most apparent in the early dark phase, when the 3 subgroups exhibited exaggerated preferences for the specific nutrient that was generally preferred over the 24-h cycle. This is in contrast to the middle dark phase, when diet preferences were attenuated or lost, and the late dark phase, when most rats were similar in showing an increased preference for protein and fat and a decreased preference for carbohydrate. The HF group was further distinguished by an unusually strong burst of feeding during the first 2 h of the dark period and an extra peak of feeding in the middle dark period (7th h), both of which were relatively high in fat content.
Keywords:Feeding behavior   Diet selection   Macronutrients   Protein   Carbohydrate   Fat   Body weight   Circadian rhythms
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