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Authors:Doc. Dr. K. Kozlowski  J. Sutcliffe  A. Barylak  G. Harrington  H. Kemperdick  K. Nolte  H. Rheinwein  P. S. Thomas  W. Uniecka
Affiliation:(1) Department of Radiology, Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, 2050 Camperdown, N.S.W., Australia;(2) Department of Radiology, Hospital for Sick Children, London, UK;(3) Department of Radiology, Paediatric Institute, Krakow, Poland;(4) Department of Radiology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia;(5) Department of Radiology, Univ. Kinderklinik, Düsseldorf, FRG;(6) Department of Radiology, Univ. Kinderklinik, Tübingen, FRG;(7) Department of Radiology, Univ. Kinderklinik, Freiburg/Br., FRG;(8) Department of Radiology, Hospital for Sick Children, Belfast, Northern Ireland;(9) Department of Radiology, Pomorska Akademia Medyczna, Szczecin, Poland
Radiographic analysis of 24 cases of hypophosphatasia (H) from 9 Paediatric Centres was performed. 3 cases were of neonatal (lethal), 18 cases of infantile (severe) and 3 cases of late (benign) type. Some of the patients were in reality borderline cases between these groups.In the authors' material all the patients showed radiographic signs of the disease. These were divided into diagnostic, characteristic and suggestive features.All of the patients had in common generalised (usually irregular) osteoporosis, generalised (usually irregular) metaphyseal changes, craniostenosis (13 of 18 infantile cases) or widened cranial sutures and often bowing of the long bones.Besides the well know radiographic features of hypophosphatasia some less well known, rare or lsquonewrsquo ones such as, 1. spurs of the long bones (Bowdler sign), 2. distal femoral central metaphyseal defects and epiphyseal defects, 3. S-like deformities of the tibiae, 4. abnormal shape of the distal phalanges of the fingers, 5. multiple rib fractures and slender bones, 6. wedging of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae, 7. partial premature fusion of the epiphyses, 8. nephrocalcinosis, 9. loss of lamina dura around the teeth, 10. variation in radiographic appearances of a pair of siblings with lethal form, and, 11. rapid changes in roentgen appearances, are discussed. In two of our patients (siblings) phosphoethanolamine was undetectable in the urine.The authors doubt if a normal skeletal survey may be present at any stage in any of the three major types of hypophosphatasia.Presented at the 13th Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology, Stockholm, Sweden, May 19–22, 1976, and at the 27th Annual General and Scientific Meeting of the Royal Australian College of Radiologists, Jakarta, Indonesia, October 10–15, 1976
Keywords:Hypophosphatasia  Metabolic bone disease  Bone dysplasia
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