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引用本文:郑刚,张云,屈大坤. 不同剂量维生素D治疗佝偻病对乳牙萌出的影响[J]. 蚌埠医学院学报, 2007, 32(1): 34-36
作者姓名:郑刚  张云  屈大坤
作者单位:1. 安徽省宿州市立医院儿科, 234000;2. 安徽省宿州市第二人民医院儿科, 234000
摘    要:
目的: 探讨不同剂量维生素D治疗维生素D缺乏性佝偻病(佝偻病)时对小儿乳牙萌出的影响。方法: 60例(0~2岁)佝偻病患儿随机分为维生素D突击治疗组(维生素D3 30万IU,每4~6周肌肉注射1次,3~4个月内用2~3次)和对照组(维生素D浓缩滴剂每日2 000~4 000 IU口服,1个月后改为400~800IU/d),观察月萌牙人数。结果: 维生素D突击治疗组平均月萌牙人数明显多于对照组,分别为28/32和15/28(P<0.01)。结论: 维生素D突击疗法治疗佝偻病可促进小儿乳牙的萌出。0~2岁佝偻病患儿乳牙萌出的速率可作为评价其疗效的敏感性指标之一。

关 键 词:佝偻病  抗维生素D性   维生素D       儿童

Effect of treatment of rickets with different dosage of vitamin D on eruption of deciduous teeth
ZHENG Gang,ZHANG Yun,QU Da-kun. Effect of treatment of rickets with different dosage of vitamin D on eruption of deciduous teeth[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical College, 2007, 32(1): 34-36
Authors:ZHENG Gang  ZHANG Yun  QU Da-kun
Affiliation:1. Department of Pediatrics, Suzhou Municipal Hospital, Suzhou 234000;2. Department of Pediatrics, The Second People's Hospital of Suzhou City, Suzhou 234000, China
Objective:To explore the effect of treatment of rickets with different dosage of vitamin D on eruption of the deciduous teeth.Methods:Sixty children(aged 0 to 2 years) of vitamin D deficiency rickets were randomly divided into group of pulse therapy(vitamin D_3 300 000 IU was given intramuscularly every 4 to 6 week and repeated 2 to 3 times within 3 to 4 months) and the control group(vitamin D concentrated drops in daily doses of 2 000-4 000 IU was orally given and 400-800 IU daily after 1 month) to observe the monthly number of children with eruption.Results:The average monthly number of children with eruption in the group of pulse therapy was significantly more than those in the control group,28/32 and 15/28 respectively(P<0.01).Conclusions:The pulse therapy of vitamin D may accelerate the eruption of the deciduous teeth in the rachitic children aged between 0 and 2 years old.The rate of eruption of the deciduous teeth may be one of the sensitive indices to evaluate the curative effect of rickets.
Keywords:rickets, vitamin D resistant    vitamin D   tooth, deciduous   child
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