协同性异种肝移植急性排斥反应模型的探索 |
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引用本文: | 孙振强,李涛,纪卫政,赵晋明,张金辉,杨文圣,温浩. 协同性异种肝移植急性排斥反应模型的探索[J]. 中国航天工业医药, 2009, 0(3): 1-4 |
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作者姓名: | 孙振强 李涛 纪卫政 赵晋明 张金辉 杨文圣 温浩 |
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作者单位: | [1]新疆医科大学第一附属医院消化血管外科中心,新疆器官移植研究所,830011 [2]新疆医科大学第一附属医院肿瘤中心,新疆器官移植研究所,830011 |
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基金项目: | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30760239),新疆维吾尔自治区高技术研究发展计划项目(200810104) |
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摘 要: | 目的探索协同性异种肝移植急性排斥反应模型的建立。方法参照Kamada“二袖套法”并加以改良,分别对Wistar-Wistar大鼠(A组)15对及金黄地鼠-Wistar大鼠(B组)21对进行原位肝移植术,术后观察大鼠一般情况,并于第1、3、5、7天时各处死1只取肝脏组织进行病理观察,余留做观察生存时间。结果A、B两组供体手术时间、修肝时间、无肝期分别为(23±3)min、(8±2)min、(45±5)min、(17±2.5)及(46±3)min、(21±2.5)min、(18±2)min,手术成功率分别为81.0%与93.3%。A、B两组生存期分别为27.4±3.4天及5.5±1天。A组术后Williams分级均为0级,B组术后第1天1级,第3天2级,超过第5天均为3级。结论①利用改良Kamada“二袖套法”可建立稳定的金黄地鼠-Wistar异种肝移植模型;②同时建立了协同性急性排斥反应肝移植模型,并为解决供肝来源不足方面提供了研究基础。
关 键 词: | 异种肝移植 急性排斥 金黄地鼠 模型 |
The making concordant liver xenograft model of acute rejection |
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Affiliation: | Sun Zhenqiang, Li Tao, Ji Weizheng, et al.(Department of Digostine and Vascular Surgery Center, The First Affiliated Hospital, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830011) |
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Abstract: | Objective To investigate the making concordant liver xenograft model of acute rejection. Methods With modified two-cuff technique,othotopic liver fifteen models of syngeneic Wistar rat OLT (group A) and twenty-one models of golden hamster to rat OLTx (group B) were made. After operation, general condition of survivals were observed and one was killed from each group on the 1st ,3th,Sth and 7th respectively for pathology observation. The rest were left for the survivor time observation. Results In group A and B, the donor operation time,modification time and unhepatic time were (23±3)min, (8±2) min. (45±5)min, ( 17±2.5 ) min and (46±3) min. (21±2.5) min and ( 18±2)min respectively, the succeeding rate of operation were 81.0% and 93.3% respectively and the survival time were 27.4±3.4 days and 5.5±1 days respectively. According to Williams standard,in group A,each was'class 0,and in group B,class 1 on the 1st day,class 2 on the 3th day, class 3 after the 5th day. Conclusion (1)The model of golden hamster to rat OLTx can be made with modified two-cuff technique of Kamada. (2)At the same time,concordant liver transplantation model can also be made and it is able to support foundation study for solving shortage of liver donor. |
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Keywords: | Liver xenograft Acute rejection Golden hamster Model |
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