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引用本文:朱小雷,贾涛,齐加欣,张先东,高聿同,种振岳. 急性下肢深静脉血栓形成的多普勒超声诊断与手术对照[J]. 医学影像学杂志, 2002, 12(4): 277-278
作者姓名:朱小雷  贾涛  齐加欣  张先东  高聿同  种振岳
摘    要:目的 :探讨常规超声和彩色多普勒超声 (CDFI)对急性下肢深静脉血栓形成 (DVT)诊断的价值。方法 :对 94例急性DVT病例进行了常规超声和CDFI检查并经手术证实。结果 :DVT声像表现为静脉内径增宽 ,腔内实质回声 ,按压静脉未变形 ,静脉瓣固定等 ,彩色多普勒可无血流信号或腔内充盈缺损确诊。本组病例均经手术证实 ,无一误诊。结论 :彩色多普勒与常规超声联合应用为诊断急性DVT的首选方法

关 键 词:深静脉血栓形成  超声波诊断  取栓术

Color Doppler and ultrasonography for Iower extremity deep vein thrombosis and contrast with operation
ZHU Xiao lei,JIA Tao,QI Jia xin,et al.. Color Doppler and ultrasonography for Iower extremity deep vein thrombosis and contrast with operation[J]. Journal of Medical Imaging, 2002, 12(4): 277-278
Authors:ZHU Xiao lei  JIA Tao  QI Jia xin  et al.
Affiliation:ZHU Xiao lei,JIA Tao,QI Jia xin,et al.Surgery Department of Shandong Province Hospital,Jinan 250021
Abstract:Objective:To discuss the value of the ultrasound and color Doppler flow image(CDFI) in the diagnosis of acute lower extremity deep vein thrombsis(DVT).Methods:Ninety four cases of acute lower extremity DVT were examined by ultrasound and color Doppler flow image(CDFI) then confirmed by embolectomy.Results:The diameter of venous lumen,the echogenicity within the vein lumen and color flow were displayed on ultrasonogram.The conventional ultrasound could display an echogenic structure within the lumen of the vein,the distension of the involved vein,and loss of normal compressibility when slight pressure was exerted on the skin overlying the vein,The color Doppler flow signals were not being filled with.The color Doppler and ultrasonogram could provided an effective technique to make the diagnosis of acute lower extremity DVT.The cases in this group were confirmed by embolectomy.There is no case of misdiagnosis.Conclusion:The CDFI associated with ultrasound is a leader method in diagnosis acute deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremity.
Keywords:Deep vein thrombosis  Utrasongraphy  Embolectomy
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