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引用本文:毕超然,张鹏,朴春丽. 大黄临床应用及其用量[J]. 吉林中医药, 2019, 0(1): 28-31
作者姓名:毕超然  张鹏  朴春丽
摘    要:
整理古医籍及现代医家临证经验及临床应用,总结大黄临床用量及配伍具有以下特点。1)临床多用3~120 g。2)结合疾病、证型、症状选择大黄最佳剂量。如泻下攻积、利湿退黄消脂,治疗胆囊炎、胆囊结石、急性胰腺炎、黄疸、上消化道出血、代谢综合征,为6~75 g;逐瘀通经止血,常治疗吐血、衄血、下焦蓄血之妇科疾患,为10~120 g。3)根据疾病、证型及症状配伍相应中药。如泻下攻积、利湿退黄消脂常配伍郁金、金钱草、栀子、茵陈、车前子、黄连、黄芩,逐瘀通经止血常配伍桃仁、石菖蒲、赤芍等。

关 键 词:大黄  临床应用  用量  配伍

Exploration about the Clinical Application and Dosage of Rhubarb
BI Chaoran,ZHANG Peng,PIAO Chunli. Exploration about the Clinical Application and Dosage of Rhubarb[J]. Jilin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2019, 0(1): 28-31
Authors:BI Chaoran  ZHANG Peng  PIAO Chunli
Affiliation:(Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Chinese Medicine,Changchun 130021,China;Shenzhen Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Shenzhen 518000,Guangdong Province,China)
Summarize the clinical experience and application of Rhubarb from Ancient medical books and modern physicians, and draw the following conclusion: First, the clinical dosage range is 3-120 g. Second, according to diseases, syndromes type, symptoms, we choose the best dosage of Rhubarb. For instance, when treating cholecystitis, the gallbladder stones, acute pancreatitis, jaundice, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, metabolic syndrome using its eliminating waste, dampness, jaundice and cellulite, its dosage is 6-75 g. When treating hematemesis, bleeding disease, the gynecological disease of blood storage using its dissipating blood stasis to activate blood circulation and stop hemorrhage, its dosage is 10-120 g. Third, when treating diseases, syndromes and symptoms, Rhubarb compatibles with diff erent herb. For example, Rhubarb often compatibles with curcuma, Lysimachia christinae Hance, gardenia, oriental wormwood, Semen plantaginis, Rhizoma coptidis, scutellaria baicalensis using its eliminating waste, dampness, jaundice and cellulite. It often compatibles with Peach kernel, Rhizoma acori graminei, Radix paeoniae rubra using its dissipating blood stasis to activate blood circulation and stop hemorrhage.
Keywords:Rhubarb  clinical experience  dosage  concerted application
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