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引用本文:许竞. 下颌阻生第三磨牙拔除术对下颌第二磨牙远中牙周组织的影响[J]. 广东牙病防治, 2016, 0(1): 11-15. DOI: 10.12016/j.issn.2096-1456.2016.01.002
作者单位:广东省口腔医院·南方医科大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科,广东 广州 510280
摘    要:
下颌阻生第三磨牙拔除后可能遗留下颌第二磨牙远中根的牙周组织缺损,其发生及预后受年龄、第三磨牙的阻生状态、术前局部的感染情况、术前邻牙状况等因素的影响. 拔牙时年龄较大、低位阻生、术前存在冠周感染或反复食物嵌塞、邻牙龋坏等因素将使这种牙周骨质缺损加剧且预后不佳. 从预防的角度,尽可能在小于25岁的低龄期拔牙,有利于阻止这种不良反应的发生或加剧;进行骨质移植可以有效促进术后第二磨牙远中牙周骨质缺损的修复.

关 键 词:阻生牙拔除术  下颌阻生第三磨牙  下颌第二磨牙  牙周骨质缺损  引导骨组织再生

The influence of the impacted mandibular third molar extraction on the distal periodontal tissue of the mandibu- lar second molar
The periodontal bone defect might be formed on the distal surface of the second molar root followed the ex-traction of the mandibular third molar. The occurrence and prognosis of the complication would be influenced by the age of extraction, the impaction level of the third molar, local inflammation, health state of adjacent tooth, etc. The perio-dontal bone defect of the second molar would be severer and had poorer prognosis in the case of extraction for the older patients, deeper impaction of the third molar, local inflammation, food impaction, adjacent tooth caries. From the proph-ylactics, it was beneficial for the prevention of the complication or reducing severity of the complication when the extrac-tion of lower third molar was performed before the age of 25 years old. The periodontal bone defect could be effectively re-paired by transplanting bone graft.
Keywords:Extraction of impacted molar  Impacted mandibular third molar  Mandibular second molar  Perio-dontal bone defect  Guided bone regeneration
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