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引用本文:范金茂,郭晓林,陈茂玉,李求炎. 高血压患者血压昼夜节律异常与心率变异性关系[J]. 福建医科大学学报, 2001, 0(Z1)
作者姓名:范金茂  郭晓林  陈茂玉  李求炎
作者单位:柘荣县医院心内科 柘荣355300(范金茂,郭晓林,陈茂玉),柘荣县医院心内科 柘荣355300(李求炎)
摘    要:
目的 探讨高血压患者血压昼夜节律异常与心率变异性关系。 方法 应用动态血压监测仪和动态心电图分析仪记录患者 2 4h的血压和心率变化 ,并设年龄相似的健康者作对照组。高血压患者 10 6例 ,分 3级 (1级 38例 ,2级 43例 ,3级 2 5例 ) ;对照组 30例。高血压患者进行血压昼夜规律分析 ,高血压患者和对照组行心率变异性 (HRV) (时域指标和频域指标 )分析。 结果  1级高血压患者血压昼夜规律全部正常 ,2级 6例正常、37例消失 ,3级全部消失 ;3级高血压患者血压昼夜变异比 2级小 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;血压昼夜规律异常者 HRV降低 ,3级高血压患者 HRV显著低于 2级 (P<0 .0 1)。 结论 高血压患者血压昼夜规律异常与心率变异性呈正相关 ,与靶器官损害呈正相关。

关 键 词:高血压  心率  昼夜节律  血压测定  心电描记术

Relationship between Changes of BP Rhythmicity and Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Essential Hypertension
FAN Jin|mao,GUO Xiao|lin,CHEN Mao|yu,et al. Relationship between Changes of BP Rhythmicity and Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Essential Hypertension[J]. Journal of Fujian Medical University, 2001, 0(Z1)
Authors:FAN Jin|mao  GUO Xiao|lin  CHEN Mao|yu  et al
Objective To investigate the relationship between changes of BP rhythmicity and heart rate variability(HRV) in patients with essential hypertension(EH). Methods To use ambulatory blood pressure monitoring(ABPM) and Holter monitor, variability of heart rate and blood pressure in 24 hours were compared with the controlled group. The hypertensive patients(n=106) [stage one([WTBX]n=38), stage two(n=43), stage three(n=25)] and normal BP( and normal BP(n=30) were observed. Changes of BP rhythmicity was investigated in 106 patients with EH and HRV(the time|domain indices and the frequency|domain indices) were investigated with EH and in 30 control subjects. Results The BP circadian variation was normal in all stage one patients with EH. In the 43 cases of stage two, there were 6 cases normal and 37 cases loss of circadian rhythm. The BP circadian variation was disapper in all stage three patients with EH. The ambulatory blood pressure varability(ABPV) in stage three was lower than in stage two(P<0 05). The HRV in patients with the loss of circadian rhythm was reduced. The HRV parameters in the patients in stage three were lower than in stage two(P<0 01). Conclusion There was a positive correlation between changes of BP rhythmicity and occurence of target organ, damage and HRV in patients with EH. ;
Keywords:essential hypertension  changes of BP rhythmicity  the ambulatory blood pressure varability  heart rate variability
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