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引用本文:康毅敏,勾晶明,刘至阳,范宏振,刘志跃,钱永刚. 呼和浩特市大学生吸烟情况调查[J]. 内蒙古医学杂志, 2011, 43(6): 685-688
作者姓名:康毅敏  勾晶明  刘至阳  范宏振  刘志跃  钱永刚
作者单位:1. 内蒙古医学院病理生理学教研室,内蒙古,呼和浩特,010110
2. 北京市延庆县刘斌堡乡社区卫生服务中心,北京,延庆,102104
3. 江苏省常州市解放军102医院精神康复科,江苏,常州,213003
4. 北京市回龙观医院精神医学研究中心,北京,100096
5. 内蒙古自治区疾病预防控制中心慢性病预防控制所,内蒙古,呼和浩特,010030
摘    要:目的:了解内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市大学生吸烟情况,为预防控制此类不良行为提供依据。方法:采用随机整群抽样方法抽取呼和浩特市624名大学生进行调查。结果:共收回有效问卷622份,有效率为99.7%;尝试过吸烟者为44.4%(男57.9%,女32.4%,χ2=42.332,P〈0.001);"心情不好"是吸烟的最主要原因,占吸烟者的8.8%;吸烟者中男生"每天吸烟2~5支"比例相对最高,占11.6%,性别差异无统计学意义,U=793.000P=0.139;吸烟者第一次抽完一整支烟"16岁及以上"占的15.6%,性别差异无统计学意义,U=3012.5P=0.228;大一新生尝试吸烟的比例最高,为46.4%;低年级(1+2年级)尝试吸烟的比例高于高年级(3+4年级),(χ2=24.829,P〈0.001)。结论:呼和浩特市大学生尝试过吸烟的现象较为普遍。全社会必须采取积极有效的综合干预策略,控制大学生的吸烟行为。

关 键 词:吸烟  现况调查

Ivestigation on the Use of Tobacco Among University Studnets in Hohhot
KANG Yi-min,GOU Jing-ming,LIU Zhi-yang,FAN Hong-zhen,LIU Zhi-yue,QIAN Yong-gang. Ivestigation on the Use of Tobacco Among University Studnets in Hohhot[J]. Inner Mongolia Medical Journal, 2011, 43(6): 685-688
Authors:KANG Yi-min  GOU Jing-ming  LIU Zhi-yang  FAN Hong-zhen  LIU Zhi-yue  QIAN Yong-gang
Affiliation:1.Department of Pathophysiology,Medical College of Inner Mongolia,Huhhot 010110 China;2.Beijing Yanqing County Liubinbao Community Social Health Center,yanqing 102104 China;3.Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitaion,the 102nd Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation Army,Changzhou 213003;4.Center for Biological Psychiatry,Beijing Hui-Long-Guan Hospital,Bei Jing 100096 China;5.Department of Correspondence author,Inner Mongoliat Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Hohhot 010031 China)
Abstract:Objective:To understand the status of tobacco use among university students from Hohhot,and to provide evidence for developing effective prevention strategies on tobacco use.Methods:Standardized sample selection process of cluster-sampling was used in 624 students chosen randomly from two universities from Hohhot.Results:622 valid questionnaires were returned,the efficient rate was 99.7%.Among 622 students,44.4% used tobacco(χ2=57.9%,χ2=32.4%,χ2=42.332,P〈0.001);The leading reason for smoking was bad mood,and the rate was 8.8% in all;The rate 15.6% for 2 to 5 cigarettes per day was highest in male smokers,and there is no significant difference between two genders(U=793.000 P=0.139);The rate for 16 years and above smokers smoking a whole cigarette first time was 15.6%,and there is no significant difference between two genders(U=3012.5 P=0.228).The used tobacco rate for the freshman was 46.4%,and the rate for Low-grade is higher than high-grade(x2=24.829,P〈0.001).Conclusion: Smoking was popular among Hohhot undergraduates.Effective comprehensive intervention must be taken to control tobacco use in university students.
Keywords:Tobacco use  Cross-sectional investigation
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