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Conversion to Everolimus in Kidney Transplant Recipients With Decreased Renal Function
Authors:A. Inza, S. Balda, E.   lvarez, S. Z  rraga, F.J. Gaí  nza,I. Lampreabe
Affiliation:aNephrology Department, Hospital de Cruces, Baracaldo, Spain;bNephrology Department, Hospital San Pedro, Logroño, Spain
Whenever graft function is good and proteinuria is under control, many reports describe the efficacy and safety of the conversion to Everolimus (EVL) among stable kidney recepients, simultaneously withdrawing the calcineurin inhibitor (CNI). However, there are few publications that evaluate the role of EVL in patients with decreased renal function. We describe our experience with 22 stable renal transplant recipients whose serum creatinine concentrations were >2 mg/dL and proteinuria <1000 mg/24 h who underwent an abrupt switch from a CNI to EVL. Conversion was simple, well-tolerated, and safe using an initial dose of 1–3 mg/d that was sufficient to achieve the recommended levels of 3–8 ng/dL. The adverse events were expected; most of them were of medium intensity. Globally, over the 24 months follow-up, there was improved renal function despite the initial creatinine. The improvement was greater when the switch was performed during the first year after transplantation. Two patients lost their grafts after a dramatic evolution with development of nephrotic syndrome and increasing creatinine. In our experience, conversion to EVL is a safe alternative among patients with chronic allograft nephropathy or nephrotoxicity due to CNI, even in patients with significantly decreased renal function at the time of the switch.
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