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Activation of human neutrophils after contact with cellulose-based haemodialysis membranes: intracellular calcium signalling in single cells
Authors:Hansch, G. M.   Karnaoukhova, S.   Chang, S. H.   Rus, H.   Nicolescu, F.   Deppisch, R.   Meissner, C.   Ludwig, H.   Ritz, E.
Affiliation:1Institut für Immunologie Heidelberg 2Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg, Germany 3University of Maryland at.Baltimore, Medical School, Dept. of Pathology Baltimore, MD, USA 4Gambro Co., Hechingen Germany 5Department if Internal Medicine Heidelberg, Germany 6Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie and Biopharmazie Heidelburg, Germany
PURPOSE OF STUDY.: In vitro contact of human leukocytes with cellulose-based dialysismembranes under complement-independent conditions results inactivation of various leukocyte functions. To analyse signalsinvolved in the mechanism of cell activation, we measured changesin cytosolic free calcium ([Ca2+]i) in individual human bloodneutrophils (PMN) upon contact with flat sheet haemodialysismembranes. RESULTS.: By confocal laser-scanning microscopy (CLSM), changes in [Ca2+]iwere monitored in Fluo-3-labelled cells up to 10 min after contactwith a regenerated cellulose (RC) membrane. Multiple [Ca2+]itransients were observed for cells in contact with RC; biostochasticanalysis showed that up to 67% of the PMN responded with a highincrease in [Ca2+]i the rest were low- or non-responding cells.After contact with the new synthetic polycarbonate-polyether(PC-PE) membrane only non-responding cells were seen, indicatingreduced cellular contact activation. The increase in [Ca2+]iof cells on RC could be inhibited by 5 mM L-fucose. This monosaccharidewas recently found to bepresent in cellulose-based polymersin picomolar concentrations. CONCLUSIONS.: The data supports the hypothesis that dialysis-membrane-associatedL-fucose residues participate in complement-independent leukocyteactivation during haemodialysis therapy.
Keywords:biocompatibility   calcium imaging   dialysis membranes   L-fucose   haemodialysis   cell activation
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