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Imaging Facilities for Basic Medical Units: A Case in the State of Guerrero, Mexico
Authors:Joaquín Azpiroz-Leehan   Fabiola Martínez Licona  Miguel Cadena Méndez
Affiliation:Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186, Col. Vicentina, C.P.09340 Mexico D.F., Mexico
Abstract:This work presents the methodology to design a small imaging unit in a small regional hospital that takes into account the real imaging needs in the region regardless of current administrative guidelines. The situation of the imaging facilities in Mexico’s states is studied and compared with other countries, and a project plan is designed for the specific state (Guerrero) where the clinic is to be located. The proposal includes the acquisition of a basic suite of modalities that include an ultrasound system, a mammography unit, and a conventional X-ray system in addition to a CT system that is not available anywhere within the state. The system should be primarily digital and should incorporate a simple picture archiving and communications system that can be the basis of a future telemedicine unit. The conclusion of this study also proposes changes in the segmented and pyramidal structure of the Mexican health system in order to provide higher quality care at the lower level, to reduce bottlenecks, and to provide higher quality health care near the patient’s home.
Keywords:Medical imaging   Healthcare systems   Medical technology assessment   PACS   Diagnostic imaging   Digital imaging   Digital radiography   Medical economics   Health technology   Radiology department   Hospital
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