Abstract: | Much progress has bcen made iu the surgi-cal treatment of esophageal carcinoma in Chinaas well asl. many other countries in'the past ZO3rears. With reasonahly early diagnosis, it iswithir:ttllo ability of thoracic surgeons today toachieve a resectability rate of 75-85%, an opera-tive mortality rate bclow 5% and a 5-year sur-vival rate of 30-40%" With careful selection ofpatients for operation and proper use of radia_tion and other adjunct therapy. oven moreencouraging results are rjossible. Efforts forfurther improvement may be directed towardearly diagnosis and refiuemcnt in operative technics, such as the use of microsurgery in reconstruction of the esophagus and further deve-lopmcnt Olr instrumcnfis for esophagogastrjcanastonwsis. |