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Local delivery of sirolimus nanoparticles for the treatment of in‐stent restenosis
Authors:Alexandre C. Zago MD PhD  José C. Raudales MD PhD  Guilherme Attizzani MD  Bruno S. Matte MD  German I. Yamamoto MD  PhD  Julise A. Balvedi MSC  Ludmila Nascimento MSC  Beatriz G. Kosachenco VD  MSC  Paulo R. Centeno VD  MSC  Alcides J. Zago MD  PhD
Affiliation:Cardiovascular Research Center, Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA), , Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is a possible, although off‐label, alternative to conventional aortic valve replacement for high‐surgical‐risk patients with severe, non‐calcified aortic regurgitation (AR). To date, feasibility has only been demonstrated with the Medtronic CoreValve prosthesis (MCV). This prosthesis needs the aortic sinuses to have enough width to avoid coronary obstruction. We report a case of MCV implantation for severe AR where the narrow aortic root theoretically precluded the technique. Good procedural outcome was achieved thanks to a strategy of implantation with planned positioning of the prosthesis leaflets away from the coronary arteries. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Keywords:sirolimus  nanoparticles  in‐stent restenosis
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