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Thoracic wall involvement by Hodgkin disease and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: CT evaluation
Authors:Press, GA   Glazer, HS   Wasserman, TH   Aronberg, DJ   Lee, JK   Sagel, SS
Abstract:Thoracic computed tomographic (CT) scans of 250 patients with newly diagnosed or recurrent lymphoma revealed thoracic wall involvement in 24 patients (11 with Hodgkin disease, 13 with non-Hodgkin lymphoma). Thoracic wall involvement occurred without contiguous mediastinal or parenchymal involvement in 17 patients. Of these, 13 patients had masses beneath the pectoralis muscles or within the breast, and four had masses arising from the ribs. Five additional patients had mediastinal masses with thymic involvement and parasternal extension through the thoracic wall. Pulmonary parenchymal lymphoma with thoracic wall invasion was noted in the remaining two patients. In five of nine patients receiving radiation therapy, treatment plans were modified by CT demonstration of thoracic wall lymphoma.
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