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Organization of nursing care as a determinant of job satisfaction among hospital nurses
Authors:Mäkinen Arja  Kivimäki Mika  Elovainio Marko  Virtanen Marianna  Bond Senga
Affiliation:Administrative Head Nurse, Division of Applied Psychology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. arja.makinen@satshp.fi
This study examined the relationship between methods of organizing nursing and employee satisfaction. Data were collected from 26 ward sisters and 568 nurses working in 26 bed wards with different stabilized nursing models. Methods of organizing nursing, such as primary, modular, team and functional nursing, were associated with job satisfaction. However, this association involved only certain features of these organizational models and specific components of satisfaction. After the effects of demographic and ward characteristics were partialed out, hierarchical regression analyses showed that patient-focused work allocation, opportunity to write nursing notes and accountability for patient care contributed to nurses' satisfaction with supervision and personal growth. The relationships of duty rota and liaison with other discipline to job satisfaction were weaker or non-existing.
Keywords:hospitals    job satisfaction    nursing work modes    organizational work modes    primary nursing    team nursing
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