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引用本文:瞿庆红. 产前超声在胎儿畸形筛查中的应用[J]. 基层医学论坛, 2013, 0(7): 830-831
摘    要:目的探讨产前超声检查在胎儿畸形筛查中的应用。方法 2010年1月—2011年12月期间,对来院行产前超声检查的1 023例孕20周~34周孕妇采用常规超声检查,对胎儿畸形进行筛查及诊断。结果经引产或出生后证实的各种畸形34例,彩色多普勒超声筛查诊断胎儿畸形32例,漏诊2例。结论妊娠中晚期进行系统超声检查,在合适的孕周,可以对胎儿形态结构方面的明显畸形作出产前诊断,可以大大减少胎儿畸形的漏诊率,对于降低畸形胎儿出生率,提高我国优生优育水平具有重要意义。

关 键 词:胎儿畸形  超声检查  产前诊断  筛查

The application of prenatal ultrasonography in fetal anomaly in prenatal screening
Qu Qinghong. The application of prenatal ultrasonography in fetal anomaly in prenatal screening[J]. Public Medical Forum Magazine, 2013, 0(7): 830-831
Authors:Qu Qinghong
Affiliation:Qu Qinghong.The First People's Hospital of Wenling City,Wenling,Zhejiang,317500
Abstract:Objective To analyze the application of prenatal ultrasonography in clinical fetal anomaly in prenatal screening.Methods 1,023 women during 20~34 gestational weeks underwent conventional ultrasonography to find out fetal congenital anomalies during January,2010 to December,2011.Results 34 cases with anomalies were confirmed by post-natal evaluation or abortion.32 cases were performed using Color Doppler US,2 cases were missed diagnosis. Conclusion A systemic prenatal ultrasonographic examination in late pregnancy is important for prenatal diagnosis of fetal anomaly,which plays a very significant role in reducing the rate of missed diagnosis,reducing fetal birth defects and improving the level of bearing and rearing better children.
Keywords:Fetal anomaly Ultrasonograpy Prenatal diagnosis Screening
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