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Effect of thyroliberin on the prolactin level in the blood serum of primary hypothyroid patients
Authors:L S Matveeva
Results of study of the basic prolactin level and its response to the stimulating action of exogenous thyroliberin in 23 women with primary hypothyroidism are presented; alteration of prolactin secretion in these patients under the effect of replacement thyroid hormone therapy is shown. In the majority of patients with primary hypothyroidism prolactin level was elevated in comparison with the normal, and its secretion in response to TRH was considerably increased. There were no significant differences in the basic prolactin level and in its response to TRG in patients with primary hypothyroidism with or without lactorrhea, and with lactorrheaamenorrhea. Lactorrhea can develop in the patients with increased or with normal blood serum prolactin level. Sensitivity of thyrotrophs and lactotrophs to the inhibitory action of thyroid hormones proved to differ. The efficacy of replacement therapy in patients with primary hypothyroidism combined with lactorrhea-amenorrhea, leading to restoration of the patients' fertility, was demonstrated.
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