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Design study of a raster scanning system for moving target irradiation in heavy-ion radiotherapy
Authors:Furukawa Takuji  Inaniwa Taku  Sato Shinji  Tomitani Takehiro  Minohara Shinichi  Noda Koji  Kanai Tatsuaki
Affiliation:Medical Physics Research Group, Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 4-9-1 Anagawa, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8555, Japan. t_furu@nirs.go.jp
A project to construct a new treatment facility as an extension of the existing heavy-ion medical accelerator in chiba (HIMAC) facility has been initiated for further development of carbon-ion therapy. The greatest challenge of this project is to realize treatment of a moving target by scanning irradiation. For this purpose, we decided to combine the rescanning technique and the gated irradiation method. To determine how to avoid hot and/or cold spots by the relatively large number of rescannings within an acceptable irradiation time, we have studied the scanning strategy, scanning magnets and their control, and beam intensity dynamic control. We have designed a raster scanning system and carried out a simulation of irradiating moving targets. The result shows the possibility of practical realization of moving target irradiation with pencil beam scanning. We describe the present status of our design study of the raster scanning system for the HIMAC new treatment facility.
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