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引用本文:柴敬杰 张卫春. 复方丹参滴丸与复方丹参注射液治疗缺血性心脏病比较[J]. 现代中西医结合杂志, 2000, 9(10): 879-880
作者姓名:柴敬杰 张卫春
摘    要:
目的:观察复方丹参滴丸对缺血性心脏病的疗效。方法:74例缺血性心脏病稳定性心绞痛患者,随机分两组。复方丹参滴丸组42例,予复方丹参滴丸10粒,每日3次口服;复方丹参注射液组32例,予复方丹参注射液16mL加入5%葡萄糖注射液250mL中每日1次静滴。两组疗程均为3周。结果:改善心绞痛症状总有效率复方丹参滴丸组为92.9%,复方丹参注射液组为 59.3%,经 Ridit分析 P<0. 01。心电图疗效总有效率复方丹参滴丸组为 61. 9%,复方丹参注射液组为34.4%,经Ridit分析P<0.05。结论:复方丹参滴丸治疗缺血性心脏病疗效满意。

关 键 词:复方丹参滴丸  复方丹参注射液  缺血性心脏病  心绞痛

Comparsion of both compounded-Dan shen Pill and compounded-DanShen-injection in treating chemia heart disease
Chai Jingjie,Zhang Weichun. Comparsion of both compounded-Dan shen Pill and compounded-DanShen-injection in treating chemia heart disease[J]. Modern Journal of Integrated Chinese Traditional and Western Medicine, 2000, 9(10): 879-880
Authors:Chai Jingjie  Zhang Weichun
Objective: The authors investigate the curative effect of Compounded-Dan Shen-Pill in treating is chemia heart diseases. Methods: 74 patients of stable angina pectoris were divided in to two groups by chance. One group was conposed of 42 patients which took Compounded-Dan Shen-Pill 3 times a day and 10 pill a time; the other was composed of 32 patients who were injected with Compounded-Dan Shen injection once a day and 16ml. in 250mL 5% Glucose injection a time. The courses of treatment were both 3 weeks. Results: In the group taking pills, those whose sgwptoms of angine pectoris were improved occupied 92. 9%, while in the other group the total rate of of feet was 59. 3%, P<0.01 for Ridit. The total rates of effect confirmed by EKG in two group were respective 61. 9% and 34. 4%, P<0. 05 for Ridit. Cocelusion: The courative effect is satisfied in treating ischemia heart diseases with Compounded-Dan Shen-Pill.
Keywords:Compounded-Dan Shen-Pill Compounded-Dan Shen-Injection ischemia heart diseaes angina pectoris
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