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引用本文:严志焜,陈江华,朱理,孙仁华,许林海,楼正,葛根贤,邹强,楼水金,倪旭鸣,倪科伟,钱文伟. 同源心肾联合移植术治疗终末期心肾衰竭[J]. 浙江医学, 2003, 25(1): 1-2,12
作者姓名:严志焜  陈江华  朱理  孙仁华  许林海  楼正  葛根贤  邹强  楼水金  倪旭鸣  倪科伟  钱文伟
作者单位:1. 310014,杭州,浙江省人民医院
2. 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院
摘    要:目的:探讨心肾联合移植术治疗终末期心力衰竭 与肾功能衰竭的意义和价值。方法:受体为终末期扩张型心肌病合并特发性肾小球硬化症患者,供心与肾来源于同一体,在全麻体外循环支持下,行心肾一期联合移植术,术后应用环孢素A、骁悉、类固醇及赛尼哌组成的四联免疫抑制疗法。结果:手术经过顺利,患者术后恢复平稳,至今已经生存18个月,心肾功能正常,生活质量良好。未发生明显排斥反应与严重感染。结论:心肾联合移植术是治疗终末期心力衰竭与肾功能衰竭的有效方法。

关 键 词:同源心肾联合移植术 治疗 终末期心肾衰竭 心脏移植 肾移植

Combined heart and kidney transplantation from the same donor as treatment for end-stage heart and renal failure (Report of one case)
YAN Zhikun,CHEN Jianghua,ZHU Li,at al.Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital,Hangzhou ,China. Combined heart and kidney transplantation from the same donor as treatment for end-stage heart and renal failure (Report of one case)[J]. Zhejiang Medical Journal, 2003, 25(1): 1-2,12
Authors:YAN Zhikun  CHEN Jianghua  ZHU Li  at al.Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital  Hangzhou   China
Affiliation:YAN Zhikun,CHEN Jianghua,ZHU Li,at al.Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital,Hangzhou 310014,China
Abstract:Objective To explore the value of combined heart and kidney transplantation (HKT)for patient with end-stage heart and renal failure. Methods Recipient was a patient of end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy with concomitant idiopathic glomerulosclerosis.Under general anesthesia and cardiopulmonary bypass support, heart and kidney from the same donor were transplanted in a single operation. Immuno-suppression protocols consisted of cyclosporine, steroids, and mofetil-microfenolate, and introduced with Zenapax.Results Peri-operative and postoperative periods were uneventful. The patient has survived for 19 months after transplantation with well functioning heart and kidney. There were neither significant rejection episodes of either organ nor general infection.Conclusion HKT offers a compelling therapeutic solution in the treatment of end-stage heart and renal failure.
Keywords:Combined HKT Same donor End-stage heart-kidney failure
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