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Usefulness of ST-segment elevation in the inferior leads in predicting ventricular septal rupture in patients with anterior wall acute myocardial infarction
Authors:Hayashi Takahiro  Hirano Yutaka  Takai Hiroyuki  Kimura Akio  Taniguchi Mitsugu  Kurooka Atsuhiro  Ishikawa Kinji
Affiliation:The Department of Cardiology, Kinki University School of Medicine, Osakasayama, Osaka, Japan. hayashi@med.kindai.ac.jp
The ventricular septum receives its blood supply from the septal perforators of the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery and the right coronary artery. However, when the LAD artery extends to the inferior wall, beyond the apex (so-called wrapped LAD), the ventricular septum near the apex receives blood supply only from the LAD artery. As a consequence, ventricular septal rupture (VSR) would seem more likely in myocardial infarction with occlusion of this type of LAD artery. To test this hypothesis, we compared electrocardiographic findings in 21 patients who had anterior acute myocardial infarction that was complicated by VSR with those in 275 patients who had acute myocardial infarction that was not complicated by VSR. We observed ST-segment elevation in all inferior leads (II, III, and aVF) in addition to anterior leads in 42.9% of patients (9 of 21) who had VSR but in only 3.6% of those (10 of 275) who did not have VSR. Abnormal Q waves appeared in all 3 inferior leads in 44.4% of patients (8 of 18) who had VSR but in only 4.0% of those (10 of 250) who did not have VSR. Thus, the incidence of ST-segment elevation and abnormal Q waves in the inferior leads was significantly (p <0.001) greater in the VSR group. In addition, multivariate analysis of patient characteristics, including advanced age, female gender, and coronary morphology, showed VSR to be significantly correlated with ST-segment elevation (odds ratio 16.93, 95% confidence interval 4.13 to 69.30) and abnormal Q waves (odds ratio 13.64, 95% confidence interval 3.16 to 58.79) in the 3 inferior leads. In conclusion, these electrocardiographic findings can be useful predictors of complication by VSR.
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