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引用本文:陈立中 梅骅. 肾上腺囊肿的诊断与治疗(附七例报告)[J]. 中华泌尿外科杂志, 1996, 17(4): 233-234
作者姓名:陈立中 梅骅
摘    要:1967~1994年共收治肾上腺囊肿7例,其中假性囊肿3例,内皮性囊肿2例,上皮性囊肿及包虫囊肿各1例。经B超、CT、MR可获确诊,良、恶性囊肿的鉴别比较困难。本组5例行手术切除,1例穿刺抽液治疗,1例观察未做处理,经随访效果满意。结合文献就其分类、病理、临床表现,诊断及治疗进行讨论。

关 键 词:囊肿,肾上腺

Adrenal cyst(report of 7 cases)
Chen Lizhong, Mei Hua.. Adrenal cyst(report of 7 cases)[J]. Chinese Journal of Urology, 1996, 17(4): 233-234
Authors:Chen Lizhong   Mei Hua.
Abstract:cases of adrenal cyst,encountered between 1967 and 1994,were reported.There were 3 cases of pseudocyst,2 endothelial cyst,1 epithelial cyst and 1 echinococcal cyst.The diaguosis could be established on B-ultrasonography,CT and MR scanning. 5 of the patients were treated with open operation and 1 with aspiration of the cystic fluid.The differentiation between maliguant and benign adrenal cyst might be still difficult.The pathological and clinical manifestations,diagnosis and treatment of adrenal cyst were discussed in detail.
Keywords:Cyst Adrenal  
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