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Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury: a population based study in western Sweden
Authors:Andersson E H  Björklund R  Emanuelson I  Stålhammar D
Affiliation:Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Central Hospital Bor?s, SE 501 82 Bor?s, Sweden. elisabeth.Andersson@vgregion.se
Background – This study on traumatic brain injury (TBI) is based on prospective and retrospective population based data from a head injury register in Borås. Methods – Data was collected from the hospital emergency unit, the discharge register, the regional neurosurgical clinic and the coroner's records during 1 year. This district is mixed urban and rural with a population of 138 000. Results – The 753 cases identified represent an incidence of 546 per 100 000 which includes deaths (0.7%), hospital admissions (67%) and attendance at the emergency department in patients not admitted (32%). Males (644 per 100 000), had 1.46 higher overall rate than females (442 per 100 000). The external causes were dominated by fall from same level (31%) and fall from different level (27%) followed by traffic accidents (16%) and persons hit by objects (15%). Conclusions – The incidence of TBI found in this study is high but well in accordance with earlier published Swedish studies.
Keywords:traumatic brain injury    epidemiology    incidence
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