Abstract: | A study was made of the polymerization of acrylonitrile in dimethylformamide (DMF) initiated by the binary systems of tetramethyltetrazene (TMT) and p-substituted benzyl chlorides. The polymerization rate increased linearly with the σ-constants of substituents as electron-releasing groups were introduced to the phenyl ring of benzyl chloride. In order to elucidate the initiation mechanism of the polymerization, a kinetic investigation was also undertaken of the decomposition of TMT in the presence of p-substituted benzyl chlorides in DMF. The decomposition rate was first-order in TMT and first-order in p-substituents benzyl chloride. The decomposition rate also increased with the σ constants of substituents as electron-releasing groups were introduced. On the basis of the results, the initiation mechanism for the polymerization was discussed. |