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引用本文:陈娟文,何凤梅,林洪娇. 妈富隆治疗围绝经期功能失调性子宫出血临床分析[J]. 包头医学院学报, 2006, 22(2): 160-162
作者姓名:陈娟文  何凤梅  林洪娇
摘    要:目的:观察诊断性刮宫术后加用妈富隆治疗围绝经期功能失调性子宫出血的临床效果.方法:将41例确诊为围绝经期功能性子宫出血并伴有不同程度内膜增厚患者进行药物治疗作为观察组,口服妈富隆1片/天,连续用21天为1周期,3周期为1疗程.治疗前后均检测血、尿常规,肝功能及血糖、血脂,卵泡刺激素、黄体生成素、雌二醇、孕酮、泌乳素和雄激素.术前均已行B超及妇科检查除外其他妇科病变.另取同时期本院就诊的仅行诊断性刮宫术的确诊功血的患者37例作为对照组.结果:观察组41例患者治疗1疗程后,贫血得以纠正,停药后月经量恢复正常,治疗后血清E2、P平均水平较用药前下降明显,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01),而FSH、LH、PRL、T用药前后变化不明显;对照组有11例出现暂时性闭经,贫血有所好转,两组贫血纠正程度差异有显著性.结论:诊断性刮宫术后妈富隆治疗围绝经期功能失调性子宫出血效果好、不良反应小、复发率低,不易诱发其他激素依赖性疾病,是一种较好的药物治疗方案.

关 键 词:诊断性刮宫术  妈富隆  围绝经期  功能失调性子宫出血

Clinical Analysis on Marvelon Treated Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopausal Period
CHEN Juanwen,HE Fengmei,LIN Hongjiao. Clinical Analysis on Marvelon Treated Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopausal Period[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2006, 22(2): 160-162
Authors:CHEN Juanwen  HE Fengmei  LIN Hongjiao
Abstract:Objective: to study the clinical effect of Marvelon in treating DUB in the perimenopausal period after curettage. Methods: 41 peimenopausal period women patients who were not only diagnosed as DUB but also had different degrees of thicker inner membrane were chosen to carry out the medicament treatment. These patients should take orally Marvelon, one tablet a day. One period means having Marvelon 21 days continuously, and three periods is a course of treatment. It is necessarythat blood, normal urine, liver function, blood sugar, fat blood,FSH, LH, E2, P, PRL and T should be examined before the treatment and after the treatment as well. In addition, 37 women with only DUB and under the treatment with curettage at the same period were chosen to be the control group. Results:After taking Marvelon for one course of treatment, anemia of 41 patients has been rectified. When stopping using Marvelon, their menstruation quantity became regular. What's more, after the treatment, the average level of FSH, LH, E2 and P came down compared with that without medicament treatment,notably lower than that before medicament (P<0.01), while there it is no remarkable changs in PRL and T whether taking Marvelon or not. In the control group, there are 11 patients who have temporaryamenorrhea got better anemia,with notable difference between two groups. Conclusion:It is a good medicament treatment that Marvelon is used to treat DUB after curettage, with wonderful effect, little side effect and low relapse rate.
Keywords:Curettage    Marvelon   Perimenopausal period   Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
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