Abstract: | Sol‐gel analysis is known as a convenient method to evaluate macromolecule crosslinking efficiency. Quantitative results can be obtained by plotting the logarithm of the sol fraction (s) vs. the logarithm of the crosslinking index (CI). The gel‐point value is determined as the intersection with the horizontal line at log (sol) = 0, and the sciss/cross ratio is determined from the slope of the plot. The number of crosslinks per initial macromolecule at the gel‐point is pre‐known as a function of the polydispersity index and the sciss/cross ratio, and from this both crosslinking and scission yields are calculated. This report contains graphs needed for the determination of crosslinking efficiency for narrow (M̄w/M̄n = 1.5) and broad (M̄w/M̄n = 5) molecular weight distributions. An example of radiation crosslinking of low‐density poylethylene is also presented. |