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The Prognosis of the Healthy HBsAg Carrier State
Abstract:Thirty-six persons found to be healthy HBsAg carriers by routine donor screening from 1970 to 1973 were offered a follow-up examination in 1978. A total of 21 out of the 34 still living carriers were reexamined clinically, serologically, and biochemically. Seventeen of the 20 still HBsAg-positive carriers had anti-HBe, and 2 were HBeAg-positive. Liver biopsy in these two carriers showed chronic persistent hepatitis. No biochemical abnormalities were found in any but one who was HBeAg-positive and one who was negative for both HBeAg and anti-HBe. Anti-HBc titers varied between 1:3,600 and 1:83,000. Circulating immune complexes were demonstrated in 30% of the healthy HBsAg carriers. On the basis of 5-8 years' follow-up it is concluded that the healthy HBsAg carrier state is a benign condition that has not affected the carrier's quality of life. Progression to a severe, chronic liver disease was not observed in any of the healthy carriers. The importance and nature of circulating immune complexes in healthy HBsAg carriers are unknown and need further investigation.
Keywords:Circulating immune complexes  HBV markers  healthy HBsAg carrier  prognosis
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