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引用本文:周玉妮,聂斐,楚平华. 以家庭为中心的干预对学龄期癫痫患儿自我概念及家庭环境的影响[J]. 滨州医学院学报, 2014, 0(6): 425-428
作者姓名:周玉妮  聂斐  楚平华
作者单位:济宁市精神病防治院神经内科济宁 272051
摘    要:目的研究以家庭为中心的干预对学龄期癫痫患儿自我概念及家庭环境的影响。方法将98例癫痫患儿随机均分为研究组和对照组,各49例,对照组仅实施常规治疗、护理及健康教育,研究组在常规基础上实施为期1年的以家庭为中心的干预,于干预前后采用Piers-Harris儿童自我概念量表及家庭环境量表中文版(FES-CV)进行效果评价。结果干预前两组患儿的FES-CV量表各因子得分及自我概念量表评分比较差异无统计学意义;干预后两组患者FES-CV量表各因子评分均有好转,但研究组在亲密度、娱乐性、组织性、成功性、知识性5项评分均明显高于对照组,而矛盾性评分则明显低于对照组,均具有显著性差异;而独立性、情感表达、道德宗教观、控制性4项两两比较差异无统计学意义。研究组患儿干预后在行为、智力与学校情况、躯体外貌、焦虑、合群、幸福与满足6个分量表及总分方面,与对照组比较,差异均有统计学意义。结论以家庭为中心的干预有助于改善学龄期癫痫患儿的家庭环境,可显著提高患儿的提高自我概念水平。

关 键 词:儿童  癫痫  家庭护理(专业)  家庭环境  自我概念

The effect of family-centered intervention on self concept and family environment of school-age children with epilepsy
ZHOU Yuni,NIE Fei,CHU Pinghua. The effect of family-centered intervention on self concept and family environment of school-age children with epilepsy[J]. Journal of Binzhou Medical College, 2014, 0(6): 425-428
Authors:ZHOU Yuni  NIE Fei  CHU Pinghua
Affiliation:(Department of Neurology,Jining Mental Health Hospital,Jining 272051)
Abstract:Objective To research the effects of familycentered intervention on the selfconcept and family environment of schoolage epileptic children .Methods Ninetyeight epileptic children were randomly divided into research group and control group (49 epileptic children respectively) .The control group only received regular treatment ,nursing and health education . While apart from the regular treatment ,the research group received oneyear familycentered intervention ,and PiersHarris Children's Selfconcept Scale (PHCSS) and Family Environment ScaleChinese Version (FESCV) were adopted to evaluate the results before and after the intervention .Results Before the intervention ,there was no significant difference between the scores of FESCV subscales and scores of selfconcept scale between both groups .After the intervention ,the scores of FESCV sub scales increased in both groups .Additionally ,in terms of cohesion ,activerecreational orientation ,organization ,achievement ori entation and intellectualcultural orientation ,the scores of research group was significantly higher than control group whereas considering conflict score of research group were apparently lower than that of control group ,and all these six subscales showed significant differences .However ,there were no significant difference between two groups in terms of independence ,expressive ness ,moralreligious emphasis and control .In comparison with control group ,epileptic children in research group demonstrated significant difference in both six subscale scores (i .e .,behavioral adjustment ,intellectual and school status ,physical appear ance and attributes ,freedom from anxiety ,popularity and happiness and satisfaction) and total score after the intervention .Con clusion The familycentered intervention can improve the family environment of schoolage epileptic children and significantly increase the selfconcept level of epileptic children .
Keywords:children  epilepsy  home care (professional)  family environment  self concept
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