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引用本文:刘维洲,杨云碧,卢昌亚,王世安,刘维贤,王振琴. 循经感传现象的近、远期重复观察[J]. 针刺研究, 1985, 0(2)
作者姓名:刘维洲  杨云碧  卢昌亚  王世安  刘维贤  王振琴
摘    要:
<正> 自1972年以来,全国20多个省、市、自治区的30余单位对循经感传现象进行了较广泛的调查。在1977年至1979年间,我们安徽、福建、陕西、辽宁四省十四经感传图谱协作组也于安徽省蒙城县进行了这方面工作,并普查出经络敏感人(循经感传显著者)100名。调查情况表明“循经感传现象是客观存在的,它在人群中的分布也有一定规律可循”,但是,这种现象长期稳定情况如何?迄今,还未见专题报道。近几年我们查定的循经感传显著者,随机抽取54名,作了重复对照观察,借以对循经感传现象的基本特征性进行一些探讨。

In order to detect the properties of PSc, in Meng Cheng county, the authors have made a longe term and periodic observation on 54 cases in channel sensitive persons. Among 39 cases, PSc of relative stability was: in one month 37 cases (94.9%), after a year 29 cases (74.3%), after 3 years 25 cases (64.1%). PSM disappeared or partly disappeared: in a month 2 cases (5.1%), after a year 10 casss (25.7%), after 3 years 14 cases (35.9%). Amo- ng 15 cases, after 5 years, PSc Was relatively stable in 6 cases, absent or partly absent in 9 cases. PSc disappeared year by year and its difference was significant (P<0.05). In 10 cases the PSc disappeared and could not be exci- ted with heat, acupuncture, low frequency impulses. Furthermore, PSc be- came relatively stable in overlaping, symmetry and coincidence with channel On the body surface of PSc sensitive persons, whose PSc partly disa- ppeared, the region of appearance and disappearance of PSc could be di- stinguished. Most of the dis-trition lines of PSc coincided with the cutane- ous segments. All these seem to show that PSc has certain substantial fou- ndation in the peripery. On the other hand, due to the semilateral distribu- tion of PSM on the body surface, its centrifugal disintegration and the independence of the nature of stimuli (pressing, needling or electric impulses) in the exci tation of PSC which may be felt by the one under observa- tion, the relationship between PSCand thalamo-cerebral cortex must be con sidered.
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