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引用本文:李萃萃,李鸿浩,李幼平,王应强,杨晓妍,王莉,易敬林,韩金祥,周小军,李胜. 浙江省萧山区衙前镇卫生院2008~2010年住院病例构成情况调查[J]. 中国循证医学杂志, 2012, 12(2): 156-160
作者姓名:李萃萃  李鸿浩  李幼平  王应强  杨晓妍  王莉  易敬林  韩金祥  周小军  李胜
作者单位:1. 四川大学华西医院中国循证医学中心,成都,610041
2. 南昌大学医学院,南昌,330006
3. 山东省医学科学院,济南,250062
4. 南昌大学公共卫生学院,南昌,330006
摘    要:
目的调查浙江省萧山区衙前镇卫生院2008~2010年住院疾病构成情况,了解当地疾病负担,为进一步研究提供基线数据。方法采用问卷调查结合专题访谈,收集2008~2010年住院病例资料。根据国际疾病分类编码(ICD-10)标化出院记录第一诊断并系统归类。用Microso Excel 2003和SPSS 13.0等统计软件整理分析住院患者出院诊断。结果①衙前镇卫生院2008~2010年住院病例分别为182、195和248人次;②住院系统疾病共9~14类,占ICD-10标准分类的47.6%~66.7%;③前6类系统疾病为循环、损伤、消化、呼吸、肿瘤及泌尿生殖系统疾病,累计构成比37.37%~75.39%;④该3年前15位单病种相同疾病有高血压、大隐静脉曲张、包皮过长、肺癌、骨折、浅表损伤、急性阑尾炎和腹股沟疝8种;⑤2008年慢性病构成比大于急性病,2009~2010年急性病构成比大于慢性病。结论①浙江省萧山区衙前镇卫生院2008~2010年住院病例主要系统疾病依次是循环、损伤、消化、呼吸、肿瘤及泌尿生殖系统疾病,2010年新增妊娠、分娩和产褥期疾病;急性病较多且集中于骨折和损伤,慢性病集中于高血压。②该3年前15位单病种中相同疾病有8种,提示住院患者常见病种较稳定。③今后应重点关注慢病管理、妇女保健及特色专科建设。

关 键 词:乡镇卫生院  住院疾病构成  现状调查

A Status Survey on Disease Constitution in Yaqian Township Health Center,Xiaoshan District of Zhejiang Province from 2008 to 2010
LI Cui-cui , LI Hong-hao , LI You-ping , WANG Ying-qiang , YANG Xiao-yan , WANG Li , YI Jing-lin , HAN Jin-xiang , ZHOU Xiao-jun , LI Sheng. A Status Survey on Disease Constitution in Yaqian Township Health Center,Xiaoshan District of Zhejiang Province from 2008 to 2010[J]. Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine, 2012, 12(2): 156-160
Authors:LI Cui-cui    LI Hong-hao    LI You-ping    WANG Ying-qiang    YANG Xiao-yan    WANG Li    YI Jing-lin    HAN Jin-xiang    ZHOU Xiao-jun    LI Sheng
Affiliation:1.Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine Center,West China Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,China; 2.Medical College of Nanchang University,Nanchang 330006,China; 3.Shandong Academy of Medical Science,Jinan 250062,China; 4.School of Public Health,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330006,China
Objective To investigate the disease constitution of Yaqian Township Health Center(YQT) in Xiaoshan District of Zhejiang Province from 2008 to 2010,so as to provide baseline data for further study.Methods Questionnaire and focus interview were carried out to collect inpatients' case records from 2008 to 2010.The first diagnoses were classified according to ICD-10,and the data of discharge diagnoses were rearranged and analyzed by using Excel 2003 and SPSS 13.0 software.Results a) The total numbers of inpatients were 182,195 and 248 from 2008 to 2010,respectively;b) The disease spectrum included 9-14 categories,which accounted for 47.6%-66.7% of ICD-10;c) The top 6 systematic diseases accounted for 37.37%-75.39%,which included the circulatory,injury,digestive,respiratory,neoplasms and urinary and reproductive systematic diseases;d) A total of 8 of the top 15 single diseases were the same,including hypertension,great saphenous vein varices,redundant prepuce,lung cancer,fracture,superficial injuries,acute appendicitis,and inguinal hernia;and e) The constitution ratio of the chronic diseases,compared with the acute ones,was higher in 2008,but lower in 2009 and 2010.Conclusion a) In recent three years,the main systematic diseases seen in YQT have been circulatory,injury,digestive,respiratory,neoplasms,and urinary and reproductive systematic diseases.The newly increased diseases in 2010 were pregnancy,childbirth and puerperium.The acute diseases mainly are fracture and injure,while the chronic diseases mostly are hypertension;b) A total of 8 of the top 15 single diseases are the same,indicating the stability of the common inpatients' diseases;and c) Attention should be paid in future to the chronic diseases management,women's health and specialized subject construction.
Keywords:Township health center  Inpatient disease constitution  Status survey
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