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Atrial standstill with subnodal conduction defect and diffuse ventricular fibrosis managed with low right atrial pacing
Authors:Apostolopoulos Theodoros  Gatzoulis Konstantinos  Gialafos John
Affiliation:Department of Cardiology, Hippokration General Hospital, University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
Abstract:In patients with congenital heart disease presenting with bradyarrhythmia, many electrophysiological abnormalities are found. This report presents a case of a man with surgically corrected single atrium and pulmonary valve stenosis, atrial standstill, delayed AV node conduction, first-degree intra- and second-degree infra-His block, who was permanently paced from a restricted excitable area of the low right atrium, as the pacing threshold was unacceptable at any ventricular site.
Keywords:atrial standstill    subnodal block    ventricular fibrosis
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