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引用本文:李雄根 郑伯良. 狼疮肾炎尿毒症治疗中两种透析法的疗效比较[J]. 中国危重病急救医学, 1998, 10(5): 283-284
作者姓名:李雄根 郑伯良
摘    要:目的:探讨在腹膜透析(腹透)或血液透析(血透)辅助治疗下激素和细胞毒性药物(环磷酰胺)对狼疮肾炎(LN)尿毒症的逆转作用。方法:观察LN尿毒症患者腹透组(37例)与血透组(15例)在透析治疗尿毒症症状消失后,予以相同剂量和用法的泼尼松与环磷酰胺治疗的疗效,并进行比较。结果:腹透组37例中,31例(83.8%)成功脱离了透析,6例(16.2%)无效,但可以减少每周透析次数;而血透组15例中仅4例(26.7%)脱离了透析,11例(73.3%)无效,其中1例可以减少每周透析次数,10例仍需继续作维持性血透。2组疗效有极显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:LN尿毒症应尽可能选择腹透作辅助治疗。

关 键 词:狼疮肾炎  尿毒症  腹膜透析  血液透析

Comparison of effect between peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis on the uremia patients with lupus nephritis
Li Xionggen,Zheng Boliang,Ye Rengao.Research Institute of Nephrology,Sun YatSen University of Medical Sciences,Guangzhou. Comparison of effect between peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis on the uremia patients with lupus nephritis[J]. Chinese critical care medicine, 1998, 10(5): 283-284
Authors:Li Xionggen  Zheng Boliang  Ye Rengao.Research Institute of Nephrology  Sun YatSen University of Medical Sciences  Guangzhou
Affiliation:Li Xionggen,Zheng Boliang,Ye Rengao.Research Institute of Nephrology,Sun YatSen University of Medical Sciences,Guangzhou 510080
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the reversible effect of glucocorticosteroid and cyclophosphmide on the uremia patients with lupus nephritis,who were treated on the basis of peritoneal dialysis (PD) or hemodialysis (HD).Methods:Thirtyseven uremia patients with lupus nephritis were treated with PD and 15 patients with HD prednisonum and cyclophosphamidum were used in all patients after uremia symptoms disappeared,and the effects were compared.Results:The weaningdialysis rate and nonweaningdialysis rate were 83 8% (31/37) and 16 2% (6/37) in PD,while they were 26 7% and 73 3% in HD,respectively.Conclusions:This study indicates that therapeutical efficacy appears to be significantly higher in PD than that in HD,and use of PD may markedly improve the treatment effect for uremia patients with lupus nephritis.
Keywords:lupus nephritis uremia peritoneal dialysis hemodialysis
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