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引用本文:卢智泉, 刘玉芳, 史玉婷, 王立华, 贺振权, 李志强, 张国毅. 男性下尿路症状与腰围及腰臀比相关性分析[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2009, 25(2): 175-177. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2009-25-02-27
作者姓名:卢智泉  刘玉芳  史玉婷  王立华  贺振权  李志强  张国毅
作者单位:1.辽宁医学院预防医学教研室, 锦州121001;2.广州江门市疾病预防控制中心;3.辽宁医学附属第一医院泌尿外科
摘    要:
目的 采用国际前列腺症状评分量表(IPSS)对≥55岁临床术后良性前列腺增生(BPH)的男性进行调查,探讨下尿路症状(LUTS)程度与腰围(WC)及腰臀比(WHR)的关系.方法 2005年7月~2007年6月,收集280例55~85岁临床术后BPH男性的LUTS资料,同时测量腰围和臀围.采用多元Logistic回归模型对中~重度LUTS(梗阻性和刺激性症状)进行分析.结果 LULS的严重程度随年龄的增长呈显著性升高.在调整了多因素之后,WC>85cm和WHR≥0.9者发生中~重度LUTS(刺激性症状)的危险增加.WC与中~重度LUTS和刺激性症状的OR值分别为2.807和1.105(95%=2.506~15.587和1.023~2.892);WHR与发生LUTS(OR=3.635,95%CI=3.432~10.624)和刺激性症状(OR=1.195,95%CI=1.135~3.286)的危险性呈正相关.结论 向心性肥胖可能是LUTS的重要危险因素,不良生活行为方式可能是促使LUTS恶化的因素.

关 键 词:下尿路症状  良性前列腺增生  腰围  腰臀比

Association between waist circumference, waist to hip ratio and severity of lower urinary tract symptoms
LU Zhi-quan, LIU Yu-fang, SHI Yu-ting, . Association between waist circumference,waist to hip ratio and severity of lower urinary tract symptoms[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2009, 25(2): 175-177. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2009-25-02-27
Authors:LU Zhi-quan  LIU Yu-fang  SHI Yu-ting
Affiliation:1.Department of Preventive Medicine, Liaoning Medical College, Jinzhou 121001, China
Ob ective To explore the a ssociation between waist circum ference(WC),waist to hipratio(W HR)and the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms(LUTS)based on the International Prostate Symptom Score(IPSS)in a hospital based study of men with surgically treamtent benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH)aged≥55 years.Methods Between July 2005 and June 2007,LUT S data were collected from 280 male residents with BPH aged 55-85 years in Jinzhou using the IPSS.The waist and hip circum ference of the subjects were measured.The role of putative risk factors were estmiated with conditional multiplelo gistic regression model.The association between WC,WHR and the presence of moderate to severe LUTS was a ssessed.Results The severity of LUTS,including the subca tegories of obstructive and irritative symptoms,increased closely with the age.After multivariable adjustment,subjects with WC>85 cm and WHR≥0.9 were at in creased risk of mode rate to severe LUT S and irritative symptoms.OR of LUTS and OR of irritative symptoms were 2807(95% CI=2.506-15.587)and 1.105(95% CI=1.023-2.892)respectively among men with WC>85 cm.WHR was positively associated with the risk of LUTS(OR=3.635,95% CI=3.432-10.624)and risk of irritative symptoms(OR=1.195,95% CI=1.135-3.286).Conclusion The results suggested that obesity,especially central obesity,is an important risk factor for LUTS.LUTS appears to be exacerbated by life style factors.
Keywords:lower urinary tract symptoms  benign prostatic hyperplasia  waist circum ference  waist to hipratio
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