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引用本文:孙涛,周山,王志慧,李欣,徐世侠,何立东,吕伟. “和谐使命-2015”任务医院船海外医疗服务的实践与思考[J]. 军事医学, 2016, 0(3): 171-174. DOI: 10.7644/j.issn.1674-9960.2016.03.001
作者姓名:孙涛  周山  王志慧  李欣  徐世侠  何立东  吕伟
作者单位:1. 海军总医院,北京,100048;2. 海军后勤部,北京,100048
摘    要:
中国海军“和平方舟”号医院船于2015年9月7日从浙江舟山启航,执行“和谐使命-2015”任务。此次任务历时142 d,访问马来西亚并参加“和平友谊-2015”演习,访问澳大利亚、法属波利尼西亚、美国、墨西哥、巴巴多斯、格林纳达、秘鲁执行“和谐使命-2015”任务,并在后4个国家开展免费医疗与人道主义服务,医院船主平台共诊疗12589人次,派出29支医疗队前出诊疗4852人次,收治住院患者46人次,实施手术59例次,开展CT、DR等辅助检查7130人次,在各到访国还安排了学术交流、参观访问、文化联谊、动静态展示等系列活动。该文总结此次任务的做法与经验,为医院船建设及后续任务提供参考。

关 键 词:海军医学  和谐使命  医院船  医疗服务  救援  演练

Afterthoughts on hospital ship during Harmony Mission-2015 oversea medical service
On Sept 7, 2015, Chinese hospital ship Ark Peace left its home-port in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, for"Harmony Mission-2015", the fifth in a series of annual international humanitarian and free medical assistance endeavors by the PLA Navy.This mission lasted 142 days, involving a visit to Malaysia and participation in "Peace Friendship-2015 exercise",before she was dispatched to seven countries (regions) including Australia, Polynesia, USA, Mexico, Barbados, Grenada, Peru and provided a wide range of medical , humanitarian assistance to the last four countries .A total of 12 589 patients were treated on the main platform , 4852 patients by the 29 fore-lying medical corps , 59 surgeries performed , 46 patients hospitalized ,and 7130 CT and DR et al auxiliary examinations conducted during four mission stops .We organized academic exchanges , visits and interviews , get-togethers , dynamic and static exhibitions in each country .The experience from "Harmony mission-2015"is of great significance for such tasks in the future .
Keywords:naval medicine  harmony mission  hospital ship  medical service  rescue  exercise
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