Abstract: | A major obstacle in the application of quantitative microelectrophoresis has been tedious manipulations and calculations. To overcome these difficulties, we have developed an automatic system for the microdensitometry and calculations as part of a quantitative agarose gel electrophoresis facility. Results are internally standardized by serum cholesterol and/or triglyceride measurements. The hardware consists of a densitometer, an analog to digital converter, a cathode ray tube terminal, a teleprinter, and a small computer. A program in 4K words allows sample coding, electrophoretic scan display, indexing, and systematic identification of each peak. Data are acquired from scans of electrophoretic patterns of serum alone or in combination with the 1.006 gm/ml VLDL top and/or bottom preparative lipoprotein fractions. As many as 30 scans can be stored in 4K words of memory and then sent via high-speed telephone line to a larger computer for remote processing. The analysis corrects for baseline drifts and pre-beta asymmetry and will properly identify and quantify the amount of VLDL, LDL, and HDL with corrections for "sinking pre-beta" and "floating beta" in LDL and VLDL, respectively. Results are given in milligrams per 100 milliliter as well as percentile rank and standard deviation score ranking of each lipoprotein class as compared to an appropriate normal reference population. The latter data are in a form more meaningful to the physician and patient and provide a quantitative dimension to lipoprotein phenotyping. |