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Pointwise‐constrained optimal control of a semiactive vehicle suspension
Authors:Eduardo Palomares,Jos   C. Bellido,Angel L. Morales,Antonio J. Nieto,Jose M. Chicharro,Publio Pintado
Affiliation:Eduardo Palomares,José C. Bellido,Angel L. Morales,Antonio J. Nieto,Jose M. Chicharro,Publio Pintado
This article presents an optimal control strategy (OCS) for semiactive vehicle suspensions with road profile sensors. The suspension is modeled as a quarter‐car model with a magnetorheological (MR) damper. The OCS main objective is to minimize the fourth‐power acceleration of the sprung mass. In addition, three pointwise constraints of the model are taken into account when the optimal control problem is solved: suspension travel limits (upper and lower) and tyre vertical force. In order to deal with a large number of constraints, we implement the gradient optimization method based on the method of moving asymptotes routine, which shows very good performance reaching optimal controls while satisfying the constrains. The solution has been compared with two passive MR damper configurations (low and high damping) as well as Skyhook and Balance control strategies for three different road inputs. Results show that OCS fulfills the constraints and reduces the sprung mass acceleration peak and the root‐mean‐quad acceleration up to 59% , in comparison to passive strategies.
Keywords:comfort  MMA  MR damper  optimal control  preview control
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